Turn books into powerful conversations with Little Voice Books!


Inspiration Runs Full Circle

Little Voice has certainly come a long way from its initial start as a poem on a mere scrap piece of paper. It was a story born out of the need to inspire and developed into an inspiration of its own.

As Little Voice has grown, so to has our journey. This all started as a project to publish a message but over the last few months, our message has transformed itself into a movement where acts of kindness, motivation and inspiration have touched not only our readers but both Samantha and I as well.

No words can express how it makes both Samantha and I feel to know that a child, teenager or adult were inspired or moved by what we have created. It is a reward like no other.

With your messages, you remind me personally of why I started Little Voice. I started writing this poem because I too, like many of you, needed to be inspired. I needed to start believing in myself and stop doubting my own dreams.

People always ask what age Little Voice is intended for, and most of the time I answer saying “between the ages of six and twelve”; but that, however, is in the context of our genre not necessarily our message.

Our message was born out of a time when I was 24 years old kicking myself to believe in my passion. It was born out of a need for inspiration that can touch any person, regardless of age. It will continue, I hope, with your support to find its way in the hearts and homes of all those who need reminding that they too can accomplish anything in life and that they too, regardless, should believe in themselves.

Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart, for your continued support. We would not be here today without you!

– Amanda Bernardo, Author

The Best Gift for Graduates

With June coming to an end that means the school year is just about to finish! For some, it means graduating, changing schools and starting the next chapter of their lives!

But what do you get your graduate? What will help them as they take on this new adventure?

The answer is simple: inspiration.



Inspiring the Next Generation

Little Voice was extremely honoured to take part in this year’s Proud to be Me Fun Day! Held this past Monday on June 1st, the Proud to be Me Fun Day invited 150 kids to Funhaven to offer them an inspirational day filled with workshops, guest speakers, activities and of course … a whole lot of FUN!


The day could not have been made possible without the amazing volunteers and organizers behind the Proud to be Me not-for-profit organization! Proud to be Me is all about empowerment, not just for kids, but for everyone! 100% of all donations and sponsorships go right back into our community to host many more motivational days such as this!

Little Voice donated 30% of all books sales on this very special day back to Proud to be Me with the hopes of continuing to raise funds for many great upcoming events!


Proud to be Me

Little Voice is very excited to be a part of the June 1st Proud to be Me Fun Day!

The Little Voice message is one in which promotes individuality, creativity, confidence and ambition. We strive to create an impact with our story by encouraging people to be proud of who they are, confident in their actions and ambitious with the goals they strive to chase after. When the Proud to be Me foundation reached out to Little Voice to join their event, we were thrilled to accept their invitation and even more excited to work with an organization that believed in our message as much as we do!

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My Little Voice inspires me…

chapters event contest

That’s right book lovers, we have a contest that’s perfect for YOU!

With our March 15th Chapters Launch fast approaching, we wanted to create a contest that combines our love for reading, the inspiration found in our book AND the newest home of Little Voice!

The contest is simple:

1. Take a photo of yourself demonstrating how your own little voice inspires you;
2. Share this photo with us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram; and
3. Be sure to tag Little Voice and hashtag:


Each photo will grant you one entry into our grand draw giveaway! Photos taken live from our March 15th event will also qualify – so…

Join us then and have your cameras ready!

Official Rules:

1.The #MyLittleVoice Contest (the “Contest”) starts at 9:00:00 a.m. on Friday February 27th, 2015 (the “Contest Start Date”) and ends at 11:59:59 pm on Sunday March 15th, 2015 (the “Contest Period”). All times listed are in Eastern Standard Time (EST);
2. The Contest is open to all of Canada and the United States;
3. To participate in this contest, you must be following Little Voice on either Twitter, Facebook or Instagram to qualify.

Photo Entry Rules:

4. Your photo entry must:
a) show how your little voice inspires you;
b) be posted directly to your social media account and include the designated hashtag and tag @LittleVoiceBook;
c) be your original creation, and be a photograph taken solely by you. Reproducing, modifying, enhancing or altering a third party’s pre-existing work does not qualify as your original creation;
d) not have been published previously, used commercially, submitted to another competition or contest, or won any other award;
e) be in “good taste” and in keeping Little Voice’s brand image and must not be explicit or offensive, as determined by Little Voice, in its sole and absolute discretion; and
f) not be libelous, threatening or harassing.

I believe in me

We are all inspired by different things every day. These things help to encourage us when we doubt ourselves, to motivate us when we’re ready to throw in the towel and to believe that anything in life is truly possible.

Sometimes, our parents or teachers serve as reminders to help us stay on the right path, to push our potential and help us to focus on our strengths and not our weaknesses.

Other times, despite whatever advice or encouragement we receive we just don’t listen, or rather we can’t. We dwell too much on the negative that the positive attributes that make us unique and the dreams that help shape our future are lost silently in the wind.

It is in those moments where we don’t need reminding from others but rather an awakening in ourselves that we need to listen to our little voice the most.

Little Voice is more than just a children’s book, it a message that empowers us all to feel inspired, strong, hopeful, confident and, more than anything, determined to not only be proud of who we are but inspired to help others feel the same.

I believe in me, do you?



No, it’s not a typo.

As you open Little Voice and begin to read the poem that is intended to both rhyme and inspire, you suddenly stop and wonder, “Is that a typo?”

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Are you listening?

“Everyone has a voice deep down inside them, a voice that says “shine”. Some have loud voices, some have quiet ones. Some people’s voice is so quiet they never get to hear it. Some of the people that get to hear it choose not to listen. Unfortunately, only a few decide to act on this voice, the stars who influence others to listen themselves.” – Author Unknown

Check out Little Voice’s mini feature on the story behind the story…



Every Dream has a Price Tag

A year ago I set out to create a children’s book I hoped would touch the lives of all those who would read it. I wanted a story that would inspire people and would remind them of that little voice inside that makes them unique, brave, creative – the list is endless.

I guess a part of me also wanted to see if my book, which I hoped would inspire others, could also be used as a means to inspire myself.

Sharing something you’ve poured your heart into, something that for you specifically reflects a moment in your life or a part of you that you may have never shared before, is a very scary thing – at least for me it was.
