Little Voice Reviews goodreads-badge-add-plus-fad3b68d35050280ea55d50f17c654b5

“Little Voice has an amazing message inside its beautiful pages. The message: We all have that little voice inside of us. The one that tells us to be ourselves. It tells us to celebrate our differences, what we’re good at, what we love and everything that makes us…. us! In a world where these days everyone wants to look, dress and act like everyone else, Little Voice is teaching little ones to be different!

When I found this book, I was excited to read it to Frankie. I was hoping to inspire him and help let him see that just being himself is amazing! After reading it to him, I was inspired myself! I wish that this book was around when I was growing up. I didn’t have very high self confidence and still struggle with it to this day. Frankie is a pretty confident kid but I’m glad that this book exists to help reinforce the message to be who he is and be proud of himself.

As a parent, you really notice all of the negative influences and messages out there for kids to see. I try my best to fight them, but it’s good to know there are people out there that are helping fight all the negative with a great positive message like this one.”
– Fran, Mother and Blogger at The Hungry Homemaker

“Little Voice is a fantastic read for all the family, young and old. It really is so uplifting and if you have a little person at home who is doubting themselves or feeling down it is a great book to help them focus on the positive, to help encourage a balanced prerogative in every aspect of their lives. I would recommend Little Voice to all, young and old.” 
– Amanda, Mother and Blogger at The Little Puddins Blog

“Little Voice is the perfect gift for little ones, especially girls who tend to struggle with maintaining self-esteem when they get older due to peer pressure, etc. It’s important for them to become aware of and listen to their little voice when they’re young. Your book helps them do just that!”
– Darlene Marion

“This is a wonderful book for any child, but also for parents too. We follow six children as they encounter hurdles, obstacles, disappointment and sadness. We listen as their Little Voice inside them encourages, inspires, cheers, comforts and rewards them to try harder, continue on, be themselves, think clearly, achieve goals, be brave and so much more. There are so many great lessons for your child to become familiar with. First and foremost to look within themselves for strength and happiness, and to learn to love themselves for who they are, but to always set goals, strive for their best, think positively and to be uniquely you!

As a parent reading this book, I can absolutely relate and use this as encouragement for me – to not give up when I run my first half marathon this fall, to study hard as I work towards my PHD, to believe in myself as a scientist, and to always be a good, positive role model for my daughter by showing her how to love and learn, take care of myself and others, take the path less traveled and reach for the stars to make my dreams come true. This book made me teary in some parts as I thought about my own life, and hopes of my daughter being happy and successful as a child in school & her adult life, and I believe that emotion from a reader is the sign of a great book. I love Little Voice and you will too. The illustrations by Samantha Clusiau-Lawlor are modernly cartoonish, digital with splashes of dark, bold colors. The characters are all relatable looking (and feeling) and the faces truly capture the emotion they are experiencing. Diversity shown among characters is important as well, and Little Voice made sure this book could reach and relate to everyone!”
– Regina, Mother and Blogger at Diapers & Daydreams

“My son is four years old and already has quite a robust library. But even with the 50 plus books that he owns, I always find us reaching for the same books over and over again. As a parent, I like a book that is fun to read with a positive message. A timeless book that can grow with him as well. In my opinion, there are very few books that fit this category, and Little Voice is one of them. Little Voice is a book that encourages us to never let that little voice in all of us drown out. The first time I read this book I wanted to share it with my friends and family, not because they have small children, but because it’s a powerful message that any one at any age can relate to. When I read it to my son, not only does he enjoy it but I feel inspired myself. The rhymes makes the flow of the book fun and easy to read for kids and the illustrations are so colourful and cute that it really brings the writing to life. It’s the kind of book that you can gift to a toddler for their birthday or a teenager at their graduation.

I want my kids to grow up feeling comfortable in their own skin and be encouraged to always follow their heart and celebrate their uniqueness. That’s a message that I believe needs to be instill in our kids at a young age, so that the little voice always shines through wherever they are in their life. I believe my kids can do incredible things but they need to believe it as well. Little Voice is a gem that we will continue to keep reaching for in our home.”
-Amy Ngai

“My 9 month old daughter loves to eat books. She loves to chew on anything she can get her hands on, but she has developed a particular appetite for the spines of books. On more than one occasion, I’ve had to quickly return books to the library by dropping them off in the return slot, hoping the librarians wouldn’t spot the fresh tiny teeth marks on their covers.

For one reason or another, when I read Little Voice to her, she doesn’t try to tear the book apart. She looks and she listens. I don’t know what it is about this particular book, but her eyes become filled with intrigue and she listens intently. It could be the lustrous colours of the illustrations, or the charming character work. It could be rhythmic tone of my voice when I narrate the heartfelt messages described on each page.The illustrator and the author make a delightfully talented team.

Whatever it is about this endearing book that grabs a hold of her, I will continue to read it to her. Eventually, she will gain an understanding of the inspiring message being translated by this book. The message is to inspire confidence to follow ones heart and the overwhelming power that comes with that. As I read it to her, I too become re-acquainted with my own inner dialogue. Little Voice provides a strong lesson to children and adults alike – you are the master of your own destiny.”
– Margaret Barry

“Little Voice is a heartwarming and inspirational children’s book that contains powerful and positive messages within it. As I watch two toddlers carrying the book around like their favourite toy or blanket, there is no doubt that Little Voice has impacted their lives thus far at such a young age. Not being able to put Little Voice down, one can see the strong impact this children’s book can have on toddlers. Little Voice will definitely find a spot on our family’s bookshelf.

As I complete my studies to become a teacher, I believe Little Voice has the potential to be used across a wide variety of school based resources; it is a story that will help students, from all walks of life, find that little voice inside their head to keep pushing them forward. I also see it as being beneficial to many subject areas, such as Language and Drama in all grade levels. Students can write about a personal experience where their little voice appeared and how it has influenced their life and the decisions they’ve made.

Students can also relate to the message of the book and how their little voice has provided them with encouragement, inspiration, perseverance, and motivation. Also, teachers can make this book into a fun activity by using drama, such as instructing students to come up with a skit or a tableau as the teacher reads through the book. I believe there are a wide variety of creative lessons that can be made using this inspiring short picture book, as the book offers familiar settings in which we can all relate to in some way or other. ”
– Stefanie Petrina, Teacher

“Hi Little Voice! I bought your book and it’s amazing! I’m very pleased that you wrote a book on your little voice. It could literally save a life. It could save kids from abuse, or even bullying at school. Especially if they learn about it early on. The kids would be so much better off in life if they knew what to do with their little voice.”
– Marie-Josee Dufresne

“As a mom I want to squash ANY negative voices that my kiddos face. I want to teach them to listen to their “little voice” inside and know that they can do whatever they put their minds to. That “Little Voice” we all have inside us is stronger than we give it credit for, that “Little Voice” will guide us through the most difficult times if we just learn to listen. This book is a great teaching tool to inspire your kids and to encourage them through difficult times.

Little Voice is intended for ages: 6-12, but it even spoke to me in a BIG way. I recently started blogging, because I listened to my “Little Voice”. Growing up I let my negative voice squash out my “Little Voice” too many times, which caused me to miss out on some great things. I have put the doubts and fears I had growing up aside, and I am finally listening to my “Little Voice” more than I ever have before. I want to show my kids that, even though they may be little, they can move mountains.”
– Jenn, MommyTime365

“This book is great for all ages! The message and meaning in this book is positive and enlightening. It reminded me to do what I love, to be creative, to keep going no matter what comes in my way. To listen to my inner voice that sometimes gets lost with everyday stress.  I love how the illustrations and words show so much emotion and expression. I really love how the images show how struggle can be overcome and to never give up. The “Little Voice” is a book that expresses how our inner voice should not be ignored. This book is a gem! There are so many messages in this book that are positive and enlightening. It is inspirational and motivational. The book is a friendly companion that belongs on every child’s book shelf. This story teaches our children to be creative, to keep striving and to persevere! This book will be a part of our night time reading tradition for sure!  I would love to see this book in every classroom across Canada and the world! I’m so happy that I have this positive and beautiful ebook in my home and that I am able to share it with my daughters.
– Maria

The Lighthouse Reviews goodreads-badge-add-plus-fad3b68d35050280ea55d50f17c654b5

“What a great book ! Love the design and illustrations, the poem and the important message it sends to all – old and young alike – how isolating and scary mental illness can be and how helping one another through it does make a difference ! It provides insight on people with mental health issues and how they feel looking out on the rest of the world. It’s a great read and a formidable teaching tool to those currently in school and for those whose school days are far behind them.

So well-written with a knowledge and empathy that is evident on the page. The illustrations display the written word wonderfully and poignantly!
– Catch Lawlor