Little Voice was extremely honoured to take part in this year’s Proud to be Me Fun Day! Held this past Monday on June 1st, the Proud to be Me Fun Day invited 150 kids to Funhaven to offer them an inspirational day filled with workshops, guest speakers, activities and of course … a whole lot of FUN!


The day could not have been made possible without the amazing volunteers and organizers behind the Proud to be Me not-for-profit organization! Proud to be Me is all about empowerment, not just for kids, but for everyone! 100% of all donations and sponsorships go right back into our community to host many more motivational days such as this!

Little Voice donated 30% of all books sales on this very special day back to Proud to be Me with the hopes of continuing to raise funds for many great upcoming events!

Little Voice was so excited to share the stage with so many great speakers, authors, supporters and of course the Proud to be Me team!

Little Voice & the Team behind Proud to be Me's Fun Day
From left to right: The Little Voice team – Samantha & Amanda, Councillor Alan Hubley, former NFL player Mark Hatfield, author Josee Laviolette Lindsay, Proud to be Me’s Executive Director Cindy Cutts and Director of Media Trie Donovan, the inspirational coach and author Master Phil, workshop host Jennifer Lea Laale, artist Kate Ryckman, guest speaker Sharman Jarvis, Helen Georgaklis from Kids Write Network and missing from the photo but a huge part of this team, Proud to be Me’s Director of Events and Communications Diana Ashworth and Kristine Johnson who has been a huge enabler of youth empowerment through her own business success!

After a full week of reflection, we had the chance to truly think about what it meant to shout,

“I am proud to be me!”

What we learned by speaking with over 150 children is that shouting these words isn’t always as easy as we may think. No, unfortunately we live in a world where bullying is still very much prevalent, not only for children, but for teens and adults alike. We may not always admit the times in our lives where we’ve felt alone, hurt or bullied … but I am sure we can almost all think back to a time where we were in situations that had us feeling all of the above.

So, how do we make a difference?

We support each other.

We empower each other.

We believe in each other.

We show that we are proud of each other,
not only by our similarities but also by our differences.

If we can inspire children to be leaders, not followers; if we can inspire children to be supportive, not bullies; if we can teach every child to be proud of who they are then slowly but surely we can empower a generation of children with the necessary tools to believe not only in themselves but in a world where anything is possible!

See the day in video, here!