Turn books into powerful conversations with Little Voice Books!


La Petite Voix

If you’ve been following our hints … you may have guessed today’s big announcement!

Little Voice is very excited to announce that our story will be available in French as of this Summer!

Il nous fait grand plaisir d’annoncer que ‘Little Voice’ sera disponible cet été en français!

 We are very excitedsarahblue to team up with the professional translator and song writer, Sarah Johnston, to introduce to you “La Petite Voix”!

Nous sommes très heureuses de collaborer avec la traductrice et auteure-compositrice, Sarah Johnston, pour vous présenter “La Petite Voix”!

We will keep you up-to-date in the months to come on our official publishing date! Stay tuned!

We also wanted to send a special thank you to Sylvie McEwen, a local French teacher, who has been passionately pushing for Little Voice’s translation since day one. Having translated Little Voice for use in her own classroom, Sylvie’s translation of our text has inspired us to fulfill our own dream of making Little Voice available to many more children!

We are very excited for this next step in our journey and look forward to sharing with you ‘La Petite Voix’!

Scholastic’s TOP 10 #BIGGERTHAN Books

Reading can help children surpass their own expectations and overcome obstacles. When children find the right book at the right time, the world opens, and everything becomes possible.

In conjunction with Scholastic’s “Open a World of Possible” reading initiative and Usher’s New Look BIGGERTHAN Words initiative, the “BIGGERTHAN Booklist Challenge” gave students in grades 3–8 the opportunity to actively connect with and share the power of reading in their lives.

Students were asked to create a list of three books that have made them feel “BIGGERTHAN”—books that had inspired them to take on challenges and which ultimately had a positive impact on them—and have their teacher or parent share it on social media using the hashtags #BIGGERTHAN and #sharepossible.

Today, Scholastic & Usher’s New Look announced their TOP 10 #BIGGERTHAN Book List!


Read the official announcement here!

Little Voice is extremely honoured to be on this list alongside many other empowering and
inspirational stories!

Our goal from day one has always been to inspire children to believe in
themselves and their dreams!

Today, we can officially say that we’ve reached that goal by having children feel …


We encourage you all to open a world of possible by encouraging children to learn to read and love to read!


2015, the year I make my dreams come true!

With 2015 ahead of us, we can’t help but think of our own list of resolutions.

New Years is a perfect opportunity to think about what we want to accomplish in the year ahead.  It’s a chance to think of our goals, both big and small, and a chance to create a plan of how we can attain them. It’s also an opportunity to think of ourselves and how we can improve our own outlook, our health, our intellect, etc… As well as a chance to think of others and how we can give back, offer support and volunteer.


No, it’s not a typo.

As you open Little Voice and begin to read the poem that is intended to both rhyme and inspire, you suddenly stop and wonder, “Is that a typo?”

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Come grab a cup of Joe!

We are very excited to be hosting our first Ottawa book launch tonight at Stella Luna Cafe! Bundle up and stop by between 6:30 and 9:30pm to pick up your copy of Little Voice!
Keeping with the festive season and the snow underway, we thought what better way to get excited than with a poem:
