We are all inspired by different things every day. These things help to encourage us when we doubt ourselves, to motivate us when we’re ready to throw in the towel and to believe that anything in life is truly possible.
Sometimes, our parents or teachers serve as reminders to help us stay on the right path, to push our potential and help us to focus on our strengths and not our weaknesses.
Other times, despite whatever advice or encouragement we receive we just don’t listen, or rather we can’t. We dwell too much on the negative that the positive attributes that make us unique and the dreams that help shape our future are lost silently in the wind.
It is in those moments where we don’t need reminding from others but rather an awakening in ourselves that we need to listen to our little voice the most.
Little Voice is more than just a children’s book, it a message that empowers us all to feel inspired, strong, hopeful, confident and, more than anything, determined to not only be proud of who we are but inspired to help others feel the same.
I believe in me, do you?