Are you getting ready for back to school? This time of the year usually means you’ve already started a checklist for school supplies, clothes, lunch boxes, sneakers – the list seems truly endless!

If you’re getting your toddler ready for kindergarten four, or maybe your child for grade six, it may seem that getting them ready for university or college seems pretty far off. But is it?

As parents, you think the best thing you can do for your children is to encourage them to go to college and get a good education — and, hopefully, that will help them land good jobs with higher earning power than if they had high school diplomas alone. But that’s an expensive goal. It’s especially daunting considering that many parents are still paying off their own student loans, while their children born today could end up paying up to four times the current price for tuition if inflation keeps up, according to

So, what do you do? Open an RESP? A TFSA? Maybe a separate account or even a trust?

What if there was a simple way to increase your contributions while also supporting your community and an important cause? What if all it took was simply sharing a little inspiration? Would you start saving for your child’s education?

With just three simple steps, we at Little Voice are going to help kick-start your child’s education fund. Here’s how:

  1. Register to become a Little Voice ambassador.
  2. Once accepted, share the Little Voice shop link and the coupon code you will have received by email for your movement. Here’s a great sample message that you can share:
    Please support my Little Voice movement by purchasing a copy of Little Voice/La petite voix using the coupon code: [ENTER YOUR CODE HERE]! With every book sold, $5 will be donated towards my movement to support [CHILD’S NAME] RESP! Help spread the Little Voice inspirational message and inspire someone in your life today! #wethelittle
  3. Every month, Little Voice will look into your coupon code to confirm your sales and send you an e-transfer to support your child’s RESP.

How easy is that?