With 2015 ahead of us, we can’t help but think of our own list of resolutions.
New Years is a perfect opportunity to think about what we want to accomplish in the year ahead. It’s a chance to think of our goals, both big and small, and a chance to create a plan of how we can attain them. It’s also an opportunity to think of ourselves and how we can improve our own outlook, our health, our intellect, etc… As well as a chance to think of others and how we can give back, offer support and volunteer.
Resolutions are unique to each of us. We hope that in creating your own resolutions you listen to your little voice and, in doing so, become inspired to tackle a goal you may have otherwise ignored.
Here at Little Voice, in the spirit of literature, we want to invite you to join us in one of our own resolutions: to read more!
We’ve joined the #50bookpledge in an effort to read more books in 2015!
Challenge yourself and see what others are reading with this great network of readers.
You can learn more about Savvy Reader’s 50 Book Pledge here:
We also want to encourage you to give back and volunteer!
Here at Little Voice, we are strong advocates for Alzheimer’s disease. Our Forget Me Not Project and other fundraising efforts throughout the year are ways in which we hope to make a difference in fighting this disease. Whether it’s the Alzheimer Society of Canada or another organization dear to your heart, we encourage you to give back, volunteer and make a difference in your community!
We wish you all nothing but the best for 2015 and look forward to hearing about your resolutions and goals for the year ahead!

We’d love to hear from you to highlight your own ideas or accomplishments!
Contact us at info@littlevoicethebook.com